Pronunciation (cn)

Pinyin chart & Phonetic

Initial23b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w
Single6a o e i u ü
Compound9ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ue er
Front nasal5an en in un ün
Nasal4ang eng ing ong
Wohle16zhi chi sh ri zi ci si yi wu yu ye yue yin yun yuan ying

Labials (bilabials and labiodentals)

Sounds like “b”, “p”, “m”, and “f” are grouped together because they share the common feature of being produced with the lips. “B” and “p” are bilabials, meaning both lips come together or close to produce the sound, while “m” and “f” are labiodentals, produced by placing the lower lip against the upper teeth.

e me-e

-ei -en -eng -er

-o -ou -ong

-i -i* -ia -iao -ie -iou -ian -iang -in -ing -iong

-u -ua -uai -uei -uo -uan -uang -uen -ueng

-ü -üe -üan -ün

Alveolars: Sounds like “d”, “t”, “n”, and “l” are grouped because they are articulated near the alveolar ridge, the bony part of the upper jaw where the front teeth are. “D” and “t” are alveolar stops, produced by briefly stopping the airflow with the tongue near the alveolar ridge. “N” is an alveolar nasal, produced by letting the air flow out through the nose while blocking the airflow with the tongue near the alveolar ridge. “L” is an alveolar lateral, produced by allowing the air to escape over the sides of the tongue while blocking the central airflow. Velars: Sounds like “g”, “k”, and “h” are grouped because they are articulated with the back of the tongue near the soft palate (velar) or uvula. “G” and “k” are velar stops, produced by blocking the airflow with the tongue near the soft palate. “H” is a glottal fricative, produced by allowing the airflow through a constriction in the throat. Dentals: Sounds like “z”, “c”, and “s” are grouped because they are dental fricatives, produced by allowing the airflow through a constriction between the tongue and the teeth. “Z” and “c” are alveolar fricatives, while “s” is an alveolo-palatal fricative, produced with a slightly higher constriction in the mouth than “z” and “c”.

Pinyin Chart

Null Initial


Group E Initial

First ToneSecond ToneThird ToneFourth ToneNeutral Tone
